Friday, June 9, 2023

Special Event - Musical Storytelling and Garden Play

Come to Poppy's, Saturday, June 17th at 10:30am-until...for musical storytelling and garden play! Especially for children, babies thru elementary school and anyone who loves the garden and nature time.

Miss Peggy will share a playful connection to garden life with her musical books; Garden Toes and Plant Yourself, plus other favorites.

She is a mother, grandmother, nature lover, gardener and educator who loves to sing to the forest around Buffalo Mountain ⛰️ ðŸ˜€


Poppy's 10 Concord Road Meadows of Dan, VA 24120 Hours: 10 AM to 6 PM 7 days a week until end of December. Hours: 10 AM to 5 PM Friday to Monday January to End of March

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